Monday, 10 October 2016

HA9 – Task 1 - Deconstruction

Scenario: I have been commissioned by ukie to write a series of resource packs to be published on their website within the guides section.

Genre description
War thunder's genre is a combination of action, historical accuracy and simulator. It also has degrees of simulation based on the realism settings of Arcade, Realistic and Simulator.
These brackets allow for the separation of different skill levels with increasing realism (no icons over enemies, wings can snap off at high speeds, aircraft stall at low speeds, limited camera views, etc.).

Selection of content
War Thunder has a wide and balanced selection of content (both sides of the spectrum of colourful, gritty and sometimes in-between). From green sweeping valleys to grey destroyed cities, the colour pallet is rather balanced with the maps tending to lean towards the colourful side, but the game's trailers tend to lean towards the grittier side of war.

Construction of content
War Thunder is constructed on Team combat and tiered vehicle unlocks.
Each match, two teams are assembled from waiting players of similar vehicle tiers (with which nation the vehicles are from also deciding the team on the higher realism settings). This helps maintain balance such as stopping bi-planes having to go up against jets or early tanks armed with small cannons going up against the Maus super heavy tank (unless you want that in a custom match, although these offer no rewards besides the fun).

Codes and conventions
War Thunder's codes and conventions are as follows.
Codes (required): Balanced* matchmaking, reasonably priced unlocks (with some optional premium items only costing a few pounds), working game-play. 
*Results may vary, because matchmakers are not always 100% accurate.
Conventions (expected): Fun and engaging game-play, cosmetics, good looks.

These codes and conventions are typical of most free to play games with optional premium content (faster researching, premium vehicles, more decals/paint jobs etc.)

Modes of address
War Thunder is 1st person in address as you are the one who is doing everything (Although there is a 3rd person camera angle in the two easier difficulty brackets, you are still in control so it is 1st person in address. This is re-enforced in the hardest difficulty as these views are limited to looking out of the cockpit/commander's hatch.). You are the pilot, you are the tank driver, you are the researcher/engineer at the garage/hanger. Everything is controlled by you, from the in match combat, to the out of match repairs and research selection.

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